Water Resources

World Rank | Institution¹ | Country | Score |
Total score | Research Output |
1 | Hohai University | China | 277.1 | 100 |
2 | ETH Zurich | Switzerland | 276.7 | 89.3 |
3 | Beijing Normal University | China | 275.3 | 95.6 |
4 | Wuhan University | China | 271.7 | 92.2 |
5 | Texas A&M University | United States | 269.7 | 85.8 |
6 | University of Arizona | United States | 269.6 | 76.8 |
7 | Tsinghua University | China | 264 | 92.9 |
8 | Northwest A&F University | China | 250.3 | 92.1 |
9 | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | 246.7 | 96.3 |
10 | The University of New South Wales | Australia | 242.5 | 81 |
11 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | United States | 239.4 | 70 |
12 | Nanjing University | China | 235.3 | 76.1 |
13 | Wageningen University & Research | Netherlands | 232.3 | 87.9 |
14 | University of Bristol | United Kingdom | 231.7 | 61.3 |
15 | Princeton University | United States | 231.5 | 48.6 |
16 | University of California, Davis | United States | 230.2 | 70.6 |
17 | University of Colorado at Boulder | United States | 228.1 | 62.3 |
18 | University of California, Berkeley | United States | 227.4 | 60.8 |
19 | University of California, Irvine | United States | 227 | 49.4 |
20 | Flinders University | Australia | 223.5 | 59.3 |
21 | Sun Yat-sen University | China | 223 | 73.3 |
22 | Imperial College London | United Kingdom | 222.9 | 64.4 |
23 | University of Saskatchewan | Canada | 222.6 | 66.6 |
24 | The University of Texas at Austin | United States | 221.2 | 63.4 |
25 | Utrecht University | Netherlands | 218.9 | 62.3 |
26 | University of Padua | Italy | 217.6 | 55.9 |
27 | China Agricultural University | China | 216.8 | 77.6 |
28 | China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) | China | 215.1 | 63.1 |
29 | University of Technology Sydney | Australia | 214.6 | 61.7 |
30 | The University of Queensland | Australia | 212 | 76.1 |
31 | Stanford University | United States | 211.7 | 62.5 |
32 | The Australian National University | Australia | 210 | 47.1 |
33 | The University of Adelaide | Australia | 209.2 | 60.3 |
34 | University of Waterloo | Canada | 209 | 66.6 |
35 | Peking University | China | 206.1 | 61.5 |
36 | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne | Switzerland | 205.7 | 59 |
37 | California Institute of Technology | United States | 205.3 | 43.9 |
38 | The University of Melbourne | Australia | 203.6 | 59.6 |
39 | Purdue University - West Lafayette | United States | 202.9 | 60.5 |
40 | Southern University of Science and Technology | China | 202.8 | 53 |
40 | The University of Western Australia | Australia | 202.8 | 54.5 |
42 | Monash University | Australia | 201.9 | 59.3 |
43 | Cornell University | United States | 201.4 | 54.7 |
44 | University of Washington | United States | 200.2 | 55.2 |
45 | University of Montpellier | France | 200.1 | 60.1 |
46 | Vienna University of Technology | Austria | 199.8 | 40.8 |
47 | University of Aberdeen | United Kingdom | 199.4 | 51.2 |
48 | University of Twente | Netherlands | 197.1 | 57.7 |
49 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | 195.2 | 51.8 |
50 | Technical University of Denmark | Denmark | 194.1 | 58.6 |
51-75 | Colorado School of Mines | United States | | 50.8 |
51-75 | Colorado State University | United States | | 58.1 |
51-75 | Columbia University | United States | | 51.2 |
51-75 | Duke University | United States | | 46.4 |
51-75 | Ghent University | Belgium | | 62.5 |
51-75 | King Abdullah University of Science and Technology | Saudi Arabia | | 52 |
51-75 | Lancaster University | United Kingdom | | 43.2 |
51-75 | McGill University | Canada | | 48.8 |
51-75 | Oregon State University | United States | | 51.4 |
51-75 | Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse 3) | France | | 54.3 |
51-75 | Polytechnic University of Milan | Italy | | 54.5 |
51-75 | Sejong University | South Korea | | 41.8 |
51-75 | Sorbonne University | France | | 50 |
51-75 | The Ohio State University - Columbus | United States | | 50 |
51-75 | Pennsylvania State University - University Park | United States | | 54.3 |
51-75 | Université Grenoble Alpes | France | | 52.4 |
51-75 | University of California, Riverside | United States | | 50.6 |
51-75 | University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | United States | | 50.4 |
51-75 | University of Oslo | Norway | | 44.6 |
51-75 | University of Tabriz | Iran | | 46.4 |
51-75 | University of Tehran | Iran | | 65.3 |
51-75 | University of Zurich | Switzerland | | 46.4 |
51-75 | Uppsala University | Sweden | | 46.9 |
51-75 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands | | 41.8 |
51-75 | Zhejiang University | China | | 63 |
76-100 | Chang'an University | China | | 42.5 |
76-100 | China University of Geosciences (Beijing) | China | | 51.8 |
76-100 | Duy Tan University | Vietnam | | 36.6 |
76-100 | Georgia Institute of Technology | United States | | 42.8 |
76-100 | Griffith University | Australia | | 52.2 |
76-100 | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | Germany | | 53.7 |
76-100 | Michigan State University | United States | | 52.4 |
76-100 | Nanyang Technological University | Singapore | | 60.5 |
76-100 | National University of Singapore | Singapore | | 57.2 |
76-100 | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences | Sweden | | 52.4 |
76-100 | The University of Hong Kong | China-Hong Kong | | 48.1 |
76-100 | The University of Newcastle, Australia | Australia | | 46.4 |
76-100 | Tianjin University | China | | 56.5 |
76-100 | Tongji University | China | | 66.6 |
76-100 | University of Birmingham | United Kingdom | | 48.8 |
76-100 | University of Bologna | Italy | | 50 |
76-100 | University of California, Los Angeles | United States | | 43.7 |
76-100 | University of California, Santa Barbara | United States | | 43.5 |
76-100 | Exeter University | United Kingdom | | 53.7 |
76-100 | University of Freiburg | Germany | | 43.9 |
76-100 | University of Lausanne | Switzerland | | 43.5 |
76-100 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln | United States | | 51 |
76-100 | University of Potsdam | Germany | | 51.2 |
76-100 | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | United States | | 61 |
76-100 | Xi'an University of Technology | China | | 51 |
101-150 | Arizona State University | United States | | 51.2 |
101-150 | East China Normal University | China | | 44.6 |
101-150 | Florida State University | United States | | 35.2 |
101-150 | Harbin Institute of Technology | China | | 65 |
101-150 | Huazhong University of Science and Technology | China | | 48.1 |
101-150 | Humboldt University of Berlin | Germany | | 40.3 |
101-150 | Hunan University | China | | 37.7 |
101-150 | Institut Agro | France | | 40.1 |
101-150 | KU Leuven | Belgium | | 51.6 |
101-150 | McMaster University | Canada | | 47.9 |
101-150 | Nanjing Normal University | China | | 39 |
101-150 | Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology | China | | 45.8 |
101-150 | National Taiwan University | China-Taiwan | | 54.3 |
101-150 | Newcastle University | United Kingdom | | 45.8 |
101-150 | North Carolina State University - Raleigh | United States | | 52.2 |
101-150 | Paris-Saclay University | France | | 44.9 |
101-150 | Polytechnic University of Catalonia | Spain | | 50.2 |
101-150 | Polytechnic University of Turin | Italy | | 37.7 |
101-150 | Shiraz University | Iran | | 43.9 |
101-150 | Sichuan University | China | | 52.8 |
101-150 | Tarbiat Modares University | Iran | | 43.5 |
101-150 | Technical University of Munich | Germany | | 47.9 |
101-150 | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Israel | | 41.8 |
101-150 | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | China-Hong Kong | | 49.4 |
101-150 | The University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa | United States | | 39.3 |
101-150 | The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | | 42.1 |
101-150 | The University of Tokyo | Japan | | 47.5 |
101-150 | Ton Duc Thang University | Vietnam | | 34.6 |
101-150 | University of Alberta | Canada | | 50.2 |
101-150 | University of Bonn | Germany | | 43.2 |
101-150 | University of British Columbia | Canada | | 58.3 |
101-150 | University of Cincinnati | United States | | 38 |
101-150 | University of Florida | United States | | 60.5 |
101-150 | University of Guelph | Canada | | 46.6 |
101-150 | University of Iowa | United States | | 41.1 |
101-150 | University of Leeds | United Kingdom | | 42.1 |
101-150 | University of Maryland, College Park | United States | | 48.6 |
101-150 | University of Massachusetts Amherst | United States | | 44.6 |
101-150 | University of Naples Federico II | Italy | | 48.1 |
101-150 | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna | Austria | | 43.2 |
101-150 | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | United States | | 42.5 |
101-150 | University of Notre Dame | United States | | 37.7 |
101-150 | University of Oklahoma - Norman | United States | | 41.8 |
101-150 | University of Oxford | United Kingdom | | 48.6 |
101-150 | University of Rennes 1 | France | | 37.2 |
101-150 | University of Stuttgart | Germany | | 39.8 |
101-150 | University of Tuebingen | Germany | | 43.5 |
101-150 | University of Wisconsin - Madison | United States | | 48.1 |
101-150 | University of Wyoming | United States | | 45.8 |
101-150 | Utah State University | United States | | 49.2 |
151-200 | Aarhus University | Denmark | | 46.2 |
151-200 | Beijing Forestry University | China | | 49.6 |
151-200 | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | Israel | | 47.1 |
151-200 | Dalian University of Technology | China | | 49.6 |
151-200 | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur | India | | 43 |
151-200 | Kansas State University | United States | | 36.6 |
151-200 | Korea University | South Korea | | 51.6 |
151-200 | Lanzhou University | China | | 45.8 |
151-200 | Laval University | Canada | | 42.1 |
151-200 | Loughborough University | United Kingdom | | 36.1 |
151-200 | Polytechnic University of Madrid | Spain | | 42.8 |
151-200 | Polytechnic University of Valencia | Spain | | 46.2 |
151-200 | PSL University | France | | 41.8 |
151-200 | Seoul National University | South Korea | | 45.3 |
151-200 | Sharif University of Technology | Iran | | 37.4 |
151-200 | Stockholm University | Sweden | | 35.8 |
151-200 | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | China-Hong Kong | | 35.2 |
151-200 | The University of Calgary | Canada | | 41.8 |
151-200 | The University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | | 35.2 |
151-200 | TU Dresden | Germany | | 41.3 |
151-200 | Université Gustave Eiffel | France | | 37.2 |
151-200 | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Malaysia | | 42.3 |
151-200 | University of Barcelona | Spain | | 43 |
151-200 | University of Bern | Switzerland | | 38.3 |
151-200 | University of Calabria | Italy | | 32.8 |
151-200 | University of California, Merced | United States | | 35.2 |
151-200 | University of Central Florida | United States | | 36.6 |
151-200 | University of Connecticut | United States | | 36.9 |
151-200 | University of Copenhagen | Denmark | | 43.2 |
151-200 | University of Delaware | United States | | 40.3 |
151-200 | University of Florence | Italy | | 39.8 |
151-200 | University of Goettingen | Germany | | 38.3 |
151-200 | University of Innsbruck | Austria | | 34.3 |
151-200 | University of Kansas | United States | | 29.9 |
151-200 | University of Lisbon | Portugal | | 56.1 |
151-200 | University of Michigan-Ann Arbor | United States | | 42.3 |
151-200 | University of Nevada - Reno | United States | | 37.4 |
151-200 | University of Palermo | Italy | | 50.2 |
151-200 | University of Regina | Canada | | 37.2 |
151-200 | University of Southern California | United States | | 35.2 |
151-200 | University of Southern Queensland | Australia | | 37.2 |
151-200 | University of Strasbourg | France | | 39.3 |
151-200 | University of Trento | Italy | | 34.9 |
151-200 | University of Utah | United States | | 37.4 |
151-200 | University of Valencia | Spain | | 37.2 |
151-200 | University of Victoria | Canada | | 36.1 |
151-200 | University of Virginia | United States | | 36.3 |
151-200 | Washington State University | United States | | 42.5 |
151-200 | Western University | Canada | | 36.6 |
151-200 | Xi'an University of Science and Technology | China | | 21.6 |
¹ Institutions within the same rank range are listed alphabetically. |