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COVID-19 Pandemic

The weekly situation report on a set of selected countries. Our plain, one curve, non-linear forecasts illustrate the path followed by the pandemic to date, and provide a clear picture of what is likely to happen in the near future if executives pursue their customary practice, and if no dramatic occurrences trouble the course of events.

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Worldwide Covid-19 : normal, they say.

World: incidence of covid since 2021
Situation as of 15 September 2024, World:
   Death toll: 7,065,880 or 0.91 percent of the infected cases.
   Last 7-day reported deaths: 1,105.
   Total infection cases: 776,281,230 or 9.57 percent of the population.
   Last 7-day reported infection cases: 74,418 or a new infection ratio of 0.92 per 100,000 people.
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Nobel Peace prizes : weird blind spots

areppim column chart and statistics of Nobel prize winners for peace, both individual persons and peace promoting organizations, indicating the names, nationality or location of headquarters, and affiliation where applicable, from 1901 to 2023.

On 6 October 2023 the Nobel Committee announced the award of the Nobel Peace prize to Narges Mohammadi, the Iranian woman-rights advocate, for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and her fight to promote human rights and freedom for all. The timing was quite weird. The following day, on the 7th, the Palestinian organization Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel, adding another pivotal armed conflict to the 18-month old Ukraine war.

Apparently, the Nobel committee was unable to gauge the state of play...

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2023 Billionaires : stupidly rich

From constant US$1.8 trillion in 1996, it climbed to 12.7 in 2022. Billionaires make just 0.000034 percent of the world population, but their current wealth is the equivalent of 12.8 percent of the GWP (gross world product). They grow stupidly rich. arrow    Read more »


Trend of billionaires' net worth as percent of gross domestic product.
Fig : Trend of billionaires' net worth as percent of gross domestic product (values in constant 2012 US$).


Meanwhile, courtesy of the 2019 pandemic and the 2021 geopolitical crisis, extreme poor (at below US$2.5 per day) inflate to 660-680 million people worldwide

extreme öpoverty 2015-2022"
Fig : Extreme poverty, 2015-2022 (source : World Bank)

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The 2022 Shanghai world universities ranking shows a strong presence of the Asian countries

areppim chart and statistics of 500 top world universities by nation in absolute and percent values from 2003 to 2022.

The University is a juicy market, where the main concern is the market share. Attracting more and better students, including foreign ones, becomes a critical success factor. To this end, it is imperative to recruit elite faculties with lots of highly cited publications and hopefully some high caliber prizes. The battle is particularly fierce between Europe, North America and China, each seeking to occupy the top spot. The graph shows how the aggressiveness of China has eroded the shares of the first two, as measured by the number of universities placed among the world top 500. Since 2003, China has progressed at an annual average rate of 11.5% (8.1% without Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan), against negative values of -0.7% for Europe, and -1.2% for North America.

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Economic support to overcome the pandemic crisis

In 2020 the world output contracted by 3.3 percent year-on-year. The global support to counter the economic consequences of the pandemic reached 15.3 percent of GDP (Gross Domestic Product). arrow    Read more »

  areppim bar chart and table of the Support Measures in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic since January 2020.

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Tourism : murder by Covid-19

To win on tourism you need more than a little bit of luck. Portugal had its lucky days – if ever a deluge of tourists may be seen as a good fortune. But the wheel of luck never stops spinning. The new coronavirus turned the Portuguese scaffold upside down in just a few weeks...

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  Portugal's tourism revenues crashed

After growing at an average rate of 13.36 percent per year from 2013 to 2019, revenue per room for tourist accommodation stumbled and finished 2020 at less than half the 2019 value (-54.15%).

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Covid19 boosts Portugal's Government Debt

It had to happen, the coronavirus did it. The Portuguese economy started its journey into hell, courtesy of the Covid-19 pandemic. After the World Health Organization declared the pandemic on March 11, 2020, all the red lights started flashing. The government debt, out of control as usual, has been boosted to a new historical peak of 137.2 percent of GDP in March 2021.

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  Portugueses government debt, 2008-2020

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Corruption: Not Enough Lost Battles?

TI's (Transparency International) CPI (Corruption Perception Index) for 2018 opens with a candid acknowledgement. More than two-thirds of countries score below 50 on this year's CPI, with an average score of just 43. It reveals that the continued failure of most countries to significantly control corruption is contributing to a crisis in democracy around the world. While there are exceptions, the data shows that despite some progress, most countries are failing to make serious inroads against corruption....

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  areppim line chart and statistics of CPI (corruption perceptions index) median, highest and lowest scores from 1995 to 2018. The index distribution has shifted towards the lower end of the scale along the 24-year period in the chart, exposing the generalized sliding towards a more corrupt environment. The shift affects all countries, including the least corrupt ones, revealing an ongoing albeit slow moral deterioration. The long term trend of the median index heralds loud and clear the triumph of corruption and the decay of probity across the planet.

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A Mobile-clogged Planet

ITU (International Telecommunications Union) estimates that by the end of 2018 there were 8.2 billion mobile subscribers worldwide, corresponding to a global penetration of 95%. This averages 10.7 mobile phones for 10 living persons.

Our new forecast anticipates a global market size of 8.4 billion subscribers by 2025, at 99.3% of saturation (estimated at 8.5 billion), equivalent to 104% of the population... arrow    Read more »

  areppim graph and statistics of actual mobile subscriptions until end 2018 and forecasts through 2025. By the end of 2018 there were 8.2 billion mobile subscribers worldwide, corresponding to a global penetration of 95%. This averages 10.7 mobile phones for 10 people

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"Every Healthy Person Is An Unwary Patient"

By late 2017, the AHA (American Heart Association) issued new guidelines setting normal blood pressure at less than 120 and 80, and the hypertension threshold at 130 over 80, in place of the previous 140 over 90 benchmark. They also established five, instead of the previous four blood pressure ranges as follows:


The new guidelines place a large percentage of the previously healthy population in the hypertension category, possibly requiring medical care and medication... arrow    Read more »

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Featured stats

U.S. Debt Clock   


Or about:

  • € 31,892 billion.
  • 122.2 percent of GDP
    (US GDP was $ 28,284.5 billion, as of end of Q1 FY2024).
  • $ 102,135 per US citizen.

US Gross Federal Debt. Calibrated from data from US Department of Treasury.

More debt clocks:
US Gross Federal Debt Outstanding
US External Debt
Portugal Government Debt
Portugal External Debt