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areppim pie chart and statistics of worldwide Percent market share of screen resolutions. Three screen resolution formats make up 53% of the total world market : 1366x768 has a 29.9% market share, 1920x1080 has 17% and 1440x900 gets 7%.

By September 2017, top computer screen resolution suppliers maintain their relative positions. Three screen resolution formats make up 53% of the total world market : 1366x768 has a 29.9% market share, 1920x1080 has 17% and 1440x900 gets 7%. They are followed by other high resolution formats with significant although lesser market shares, evidence that new screen technology developments keep providing users with finer resolutions and larger screen sizes.


Screen Resolution
Percent Market Share Worldwide
(As of September 2017)

Screen Resolution

Market Share

1366x768 29.87
1920x1080 16.69
1440x900 6.86
1600x900 5.81
1280x800 5.14
1024x768 4.74


Source: StatCounter Global Stats



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