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areppim chart and statistics of mobile and desktop web usage. Mobile Web usage already reaches 52% worldwide, and progresses fast in both developed and developing regions.  Tablets account for 4% of Web connections, adding to mobile devices to complete 57% of Web connections, against desktop's 43%.

Internet users worldwide currently access Web services mostly through mobile terminals, which outnumber desktop devices by a factor of 5. Mobile Web usage already reaches 52% worldwide, and progresses fast in both developed and developing regions. Tablets account for 4% of Web connections, adding to mobile devices to complete 57% of Web connections, against desktop's 43%. As expected, mobile device connections caught up with desktop web by late 2016.


Mobile and Desktop Web
Percent Market Share Worldwide
(As of September 2017)

Mobile 52.29
Desktop 43.29
Tablet 4.42


Source: StatCounter Global Stats



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