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areppim pie chart and statistics of worldwide Percent Market Share of mobile screen resolutions. As of September 2017 the mobile screen market is highly fragmented with a powerful leader, followed by a cohort of roughly equal players. Format 360x640 leads the pack with a 39% share. It is followed by formats 375x667 with nearly 10%, 720x1280  with 7%, 320x568 with 5%, and by 320x534 and 414x736 with less than 4%.

As of September 2017 the mobile screen market is highly fragmented with a powerful leader, followed by a cohort of roughly equal players. Format 360x640 leads the pack with a 39% share. It is followed by formats 375x667 with nearly 10%, 720x1280 with 7%, 320x568 with 5%, and by 320x534 and 414x736 with less than 4%.


Mobile Screen Resolution
Percent Market Share Worldwide
(As of September 2017)

Mobile Screen Resolution

Market Share

360x640 38.69
375x667 9.09
720x1280 6.56
320x568 4.82
320x534 3.82
414x736 3.4


Source: StatCounter Global Stats



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