Column chart of the academic ranking of world universities by subject matter and by region in 2011. In mathematics North America places 56 universities in the top 100, 1 less than in 2010. Europe has 31, 2 more than in 2010, Asia and Pacific 9 and the Rest of the world (ROW) 2. In physics, North America has 51 in the list, followed by Europe with 35, Asia Pacific with 11 and ROW with 3. The top 100 in chemistry include North America with 48, Europe with 29, Asia Pacific with 21 and ROW with 2. In computer sciences North America places 57 in the list, Europe 17 — it is the only subject where Europe does not score second — Asia Pacific 21 and ROW 5. Economics and business is dominated by North America with 79 in the list, followed by Europe with 16, Asia Pacific with 3 and ROW with 2. North America lost slots in mathematics, physics and computer sciences since 2010, but gained some in chemistry, 1 gain, and economics/business 3 gains, the percents remaining therefore the same as in 2010. North America takes 58% of the total slots, followed by Europe 26%, Asia Pacific 13% and ROW 3%.

The academic ranking of world universities by subject matter and by region in 2011 does not change much relative to 2010, and tells a story similar to the ranking by field. The hierarchy remains stable : first come North American universities that place 291 institutions in the top 100 in the 5 subjects, or in percent terms 58%. Second comes Europe with 128 or 26%. Asia and Pacific are third with 65 or 13%, and the rest of the world amounts to 3%.

Economics / business is the subject where North American universities excel — they place 79 in the top 100. This may shock whomever naively might expect that such levels of proficiency are irreconcilable with the economics and business practices that nurtured the string of financial and economic crises that knocked down the world since the end of 2007. In fact, there is no reason for astonishment. The theoretical corpus of economics and business knowledge generated and spread by North American universities should instead allow us to predict such disastrous consequences.

European universities have the best presence in physics (35), followed by mathematics (31) and chemistry (29). The universities of Asia and Pacific are more often listed in computer sciences and chemistry (21) and physics (11).


Academic ranking of world universities by subject matter and by region in 2011
Number of universities in the top 100

Subject matter

North America


Asia & Pacific

Rest of the World

Computer sciences5717215
Economics / Business791632
Total (number)2911286516
Total (percent)58%26%13%3%


Sources: Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai.



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