Column chart of the top-100 world-class universities by scientific subject and by region for 2009. In mathematics North America has 58 universities, Europe 31, Asia & Pacific 12. In physics North America has 53, Europe 37 and Asia & Pacific 14. In chemistry, North America has  50, Europe 32 and Asia & Pacific 19. In computer science North America has 60, Europe 19 and Asia & Pacific 21. In economics/business North America has 76, Europe 20, and Asia & Pacific 4.

In 2009, the prominence of North American universities in terms of "vertical" scientific subject is as clear as it is in terms of "horizontal" field of application. Overall there are more than twice as many North American than European universities among the top 100. The emergence of Asia & Pacific in computer science is emphasised by the advantage of this region over Europe as top-ranked universities are concerned.


100 World-Class Universities by Subject and by Region


North America


Asia & Pacific


Computer Science6060.0%1919.0%2121.0%100



Sources: see Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai.


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