Column chart of the top-100 world-class universities by scientific field and by region for 2010. In natural sciences and mathematics North America has 56 universities, Europe 31, Asia & Pacific 9 and the rest of the world (ROW) 4. In engineering, technology and computer sciences North America has 51, Europe 19, Asia & Pacific 28 and ROW 2. In life and agriculture sciences, North America has  61, Europe 31, Asia & Pacific 8 and ROW 0.  In clinical medicine and pharmacy North America has 61, Europe 32, Asia & Pacific 6, and ROW 1. In social sciences North America has 78, Europe 17, Asia & Pacific 3 and ROW 2.

The 2010 distribution of the 100 best universities by region confirms the common intuition that the field of Engineering and Computer Sciences matters a lot for the Asia-Pacific countries. For the manufacturing and export-oriented China, Japan, Korea or India, engineering is definitely the field in focus, while this area comes last for North America, where the number one field of interest is Social Sciences.

Considering the values in relative terms (in absolute terms North America dominates across the board), one feels tempted to interpret the chart as a quick sketch of the world situation. On one side, North America, mainly the United States, losing interest in the engineering operations, after having discovered that social sciences – economics and other "dismal sciences" – are an excellent proxy to rule the world. Then, the Asian countries waking up to the opportunity opened by the western industrial surrender, and placing their bets on the hard-core technologies. As regards Europe, maybe dazzled by the American aura, it seems content with being a good follower — eventually finding itself stuck in the middle.


100 World-Class Universities by Scientific Field and by Region

Scientific Field

North America


Asia & Pacific

Rest of the World


Natural Sciences and Mathematics5656%3131%99%44%100
Engineering/Technology and Computer Sciences5151%1919%2828%22%100
Life and Agriculture Sciences6161%3131%88%00%100
Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy6161%3232%66%11%100
Social Sciences7878%1717%33%22%100


Sources: see Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai.


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