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areppim pie chart and statistics of worldwide percentage market share of computer OS (operating systems). Microsoft's Windows largely dominates the stage with 83% market share. Apple's OSX makes itself a place in the second rank, with 12%, and the open source Linux  occupies a small niche with less than 2%.

Four desktop OS (operating systems) make 99% of the total world market. Microsoft's Windows largely dominates the stage with 83% market share. Apple's OSX makes itself a place in the second rank, with 12%, and the open source Linux occupies a small niche with less than 2%.


Desktop Operating System
Percentage Market Share Worldwide
(As of September 2017)

Operating System


Windows 83.28
OS X 12.15
Unknown 2.06
Linux 1.66
Chrome OS 0.84
FreeBSD 0


Source: StatCounter Global Stats



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