Column chart showing worldwide nuclear capacity. 439 nuclear reactors with a total capability of 372 GWe supplied 2,608 billion kWh to the grid worldwide. The top 3 producers were USA 807 billion kWh, France 420 billion kWh, and Japan 267 billion kWh

2,608 billion kWh of electricity were generated by 439 nuclear power plants worldwide, with a total capacity of 372 GWe in 2007. The top 3 producers were USA 807 billion kWh, France 420 billion kWh, and Japan 267 billion kWh (see Nuclear power worldwide).


World civil nuclear outlook


Nuclear Electricity Generation 2007

Reactors Operable May 2008

billion kWh Number MWe
Argentina 6.7 2 935
Armenia 2.35 1 376
Bangladesh 0 0 0
Belarus 0 0 0
Belgium 46 7 5728
Brazil 11.7 2 1901
Bulgaria 13.7 2 1906
Canada 88.2 18 12652
China 59.3 11 8587
Czech Republic 24.6 6 3472
Egypt 0 0 0
Finland 22.5 4 2696
France 420.1 59 63473
Germany 133.2 17 20339
Hungary 13.9 4 1826
India 15.8 17 3779
Indonesia 0 0 0
Iran 0 0 0
Israel 0 0 0
Japan 267 55 47577
Kazakhstan 0 0 0
Korea DPR (North) 0 0 0
Korea RO (South) 136.6 20 17533
Lithuania 9.1 1 1185
Mexico 9.95 2 1310
Netherlands 4 1 485
Pakistan 2.3 2 400
Romania 7.1 2 1310
Russia 148 31 21743
Slovakia 14.2 5 2064
Slovenia 5.4 1 696
South Africa 12.6 2 1842
Spain 52.7 8 7442
Sweden 64.3 10 9016
Switzerland 26.5 5 3220
Taiwan 38.9 6 4884
Thailand 0 0 0
Turkey 0 0 0
Ukraine 87.2 15 13168
United Kingdom 57.5 19 11035
USA 806.6 104 99049
Vietnam 0 0 0
WORLD ¹ 2,608 439 371,989
 ¹ The world total includes 6 reactors operating on Taiwan with a combined capacity of 4884 MWe, which generated a total of 39 billion kWh in 2007 (accounting for 19.3% of Taiwan's total electricity generation). Taiwan has two reactors under construction with a combined capacity of 2600 MWe.


Sources: see Sources of data



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