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You are here:   areppim >   About us >   Eduardo Casais Sr

Eduardo Casais Sr - Résumé


red arrow Country Manager - Marketing, Digital Equipment Co. (DEC), at Lisbon, Portugal.

red arrow Programme Director for Europe & Middle East, Motorola Inc., at Geneva, Switzerland.

red arrow Regional Manager, Field Service Development, Digital Equipment Co. (DEC), at Geneva, Switzerland.

red arrow Consultant, Management Center Europe (MCE), at Brussels, Belgium.

red arrow Professor, University of Algarve, at Faro, Portugal.


red arrow PhD in Economics (Économie Commerciale), University of Geneva, Switzerland.

red arrow "Troisième Cycle" in Management, Universities of French Switzerland.

red arrow Degree in Business Administration, University of Geneva, Switzerland.

red arrow Modern Business Program, Alexander Hamilton Institute, at New York, USA.

red arrow Certified PMP (Project Management Professional).