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You are here:   areppim >  Glossary of Terms >   Dependency Ratio


Dependency Ratio
Total dependency ratio :
  • The total dependency ratio is the ratio of the population aged 0-19 and that aged 65+ to the population aged 20-64. They are presented as number of dependants per 100 persons of working age (20-64).
The child dependency ratio :
  • The child dependency ratio is the ratio of the population aged 0-19 to the population aged 20-64. They are presented as number of dependants per 100 persons of working age (20-64).
The old-age dependency ratio :
  • The old-age dependency ratio is the ratio of the population aged 65 years or over to the population aged 20-64. They are presented as number of dependants per 100 persons of working age (20-64).
The inverse dependency ratio :
  • The inverse dependency ratio gives insight into the amount of people of working age that provide for one dependent person, pension beneficiary or child. A high ratio means the economy can easily provide for the beneficiaries, and a low ratio means those of working age - and the overall economy - face a greater burden in supporting the beneficiary population.